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Core Values

  1. Christ-centered. Our belief in God and His Word is central to SRCS. Through a faculty who practice a personal and active faith, we foster a thoroughly Christian environment where God’s Word is the standard for decision making. Placing Christ at the center of all enables us to educate the whole student, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, socially, and physically. 

  2. Pursuing grace and truth. The SRCS faculty seeks to model the life Christ demonstrated on earth, a life full of grace and truth, that rejected legalism for the higher priority of focusing on the inner man. We recognize that Christ looks inward at the motivations of the heart and pursues a relationship with us. We exercise spiritual discernment, speaking the truth in love in order to promote the spiritual growth of all students. 

  3. Encouraging spiritual growth. We desire that students know Christ personally and grow in His grace and knowledge, so they may impact their world for Him. We understand the importance of godly staff and faculty who model the Christian walk and mentor students to pursue their personal relationship with the Lord. 

  4. Inspiring excellence in learning. The SRCS faculty inspires students to discover and develop their God-given gifts and talents. We nurture an enthusiasm for learning, providing an atmosphere wherein students may express creativity, discern truth, think critically, and choose wisely. In academics, the arts, and athletics, we uphold a standard of excellence to encourage students to achieve their individual best. 

  5. Cultivating community. We recognize that the SRCS community extends beyond the walls of our school. Coming from diverse backgrounds, we unify around a statement of faith that binds us together. We acknowledge the responsibility of the parent, the role of the church, and the authority of the Holy Spirit in training students. 

  6. Igniting leadership. SRCS embodies a culture of servant leadership that is sparked by a sense of individual and eternal purpose. With competency, credibility, and compassion, we recognize the value of others and influence the growth of ideas.

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